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Urgent Care Doctors Accepting New Patients in Yukon, OK

Urgent Care Doctors Accepting New Patients in Yukon, OK

The urgent care doctors at Immediate Care of Oklahoma are currently accepting new patients and provide immediate medical care access to those who need it most. Walk-in, or book an appointment online. For more information, call us.

The urgent care doctors at Immediate Care of Oklahoma are currently accepting new patients and provide immediate medical care access to those who need it most. Walk-in, or book an appointment online. For more information, call us.
The urgent care doctors at Immediate Care of Oklahoma are currently accepting new patients and provide immediate medical care access to those who need it most. Walk-in, or book an appointment online. For more information, call us.

Urgent Care Doctors Accepting New Patients in Yukon, OK
Urgent Care Doctors Accepting New Patients in Yukon, OK

Table of Contents:

How can I make a same-day appointment with an Urgent Care Doctor if I live in Yukon, Ok?
What questions should I ask when finding a new doctor?
How can I find an Urgent Care Doctor in Yukon OK who takes my insurance?

Here at Immediate Care of Oklahoma, we proudly provide healthcare services for eight different communities including Yukon, OK. If you’re in need of urgent care, flu shots, covid testing, or need to see a doctor for an injury, we’ve got you covered. We pride ourselves on offering affordable, efficient, and compassion-led care for all of our wonderful patients. Whether you’re a new patient or an existing patient, it would be a privilege to provide you with the medical care you need. Continue reading to learn more about Immediate Care of Oklahoma’s services and policies.

How can I make a same-day appointment with an Urgent Care Doctor if I live in Yukon, Ok?

You can also fill out a short form online to request an appointment, simply choose the time you’d like to schedule your visit and fill out a couple of personal questions like your name and birth date. Alternatively, you are more than welcome to walk into our urgent care center without an appointment and wait to be seen. Priority goes to appointments; however, we see patients in a timely manner and will get to you as quickly as we possibly can.

What questions should I ask when finding a new doctor?

Immediate Care of Oklahoma suggests following these tips when trying to find a new doctor:
1. Reviews – Look online for reviews to see how highly the clinic is rated. This can save you from very bad urgent care experiences and help narrow down your options.
2. Recommendations – Ask around with your friends, family, and other doctors to see if they have any recommendations. You can also look on the clinic’s website for testimonials from other patients.
3. Location – Ask yourself how far you’re willing to drive to see your doctor and try to find a location within that distance. This can be especially important if you don’t have access to a vehicle and have to walk or take transit.
4. Services – Make sure you’re going to a clinic that provides the services you need, for life-threatening illnesses go to an emergency room not an urgent care center.
During your first visit, feel free to ask questions about our clinic and services such as:
– Will I see the same doctor every visit?
– How often should I come in for an appointment?
– Can you give me referrals to other specialists?
– Are you partnered with a nearby hospital?
– What do I do in an urgent situation outside of your office hours?

How can I find an Urgent Care Doctor in Yukon OK who takes my insurance?

Here at Immediate Care of Oklahoma, we deeply respect and value everyone who comes to us looking for medical care. We believe that our patients should be able to come to us without worrying about money. We are associated with all of the major insurance policies to make this easier. Our accepted insurance policies include:
– Aetna
– Beechstreet
– BlueCross/BlueShield
– Cigna
– Clements Food & OK Press Assoc.
– Community Care HMO
– Coventry/First Health
– FMH/Love’s Country Stores
– Galaxy
– Gary Williams Energy
– Healthchoice
– Humana ChoiceCare
– Humana Medicare Advantage
– Kempton/OEC
– Medicare
– Multiplan
– Mutual Assurance
– Oklahoma Health Network EPO
– Oklahoma Health Network PPO
– Pacificare
– PPO Next
– Preferred Community Choice
– Secure Horizons
– Sterling
– Tricare prime
– Tricare standard
– United Healthcare
– University of Oklahoma (students)
– USA Managed Care
– Windsor
– Waterstone
– WorkNet
If your insurance provider isn’t on this list, please call us at our Yukon location so that we can help you out!
The team at Immediate Care of Oklahoma looks forward to providing you with the best urgent care services around Yukon! We serve patients from Yukon OK, Bethany OK, Mustang OK, Piedmont OK, Union City OK, and El Reno OK.

Our Locations


Norman (Healthplex)

  • 3321 W. Tecumseh Rd. 125, Norman (HealthPlex), OK 73072
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Norman (24TH)



  • 10616 US Highway 66 Suite 100 Yukon, OK 73099
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West Moore

  • 11808 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (South OKC)
  • View Details


l-240 & Sooner Rd.

Directions to Nearest Location