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UTI Treatment Questions and Answers

UTI Treatment Q&A

Urinary tract infection occurs when microorganism enters the bladder and urethra and cause inflammation and irritation. Even though UTIs (urinary tract infections) are typically minor, they should still be treated because treatment can prevent significant complications. Urinary tract infections damaged the parts of the urinary system such as the urethra, kidney, and bladder. This infection causes lower-side pain, a burning sensation when urinating, and frequent urine. UTI infection primarily affects women’s because of the shorter urethra as compared to men. For more information, contact us now or schedule an appointment online. We have 7 convenient locations all over Oklahoma to serve you.

UTI Treatment Near Me in West Moore OK, Norman (HealthPlex) OK, Norman (24th) OK, Edmond OK, Yukon OK, I-240 and Sooner RD OK, Tecumseh OK
UTI Treatment Near Me in West Moore OK, Norman (HealthPlex) OK, Norman (24th) OK, Edmond OK, Yukon OK, I-240 and Sooner RD OK, Tecumseh OK
Urinary tract infection occurs when microorganism enters the bladder and urethra and cause inflammation and irritation. Even though UTIs (urinary tract infections) are typically minor, they should still be treated because treatment can prevent significant complications. Urinary tract infections damaged the parts of the urinary system such as the urethra, kidney, and bladder. This infection causes lower-side pain, a burning sensation when urinating, and frequent urine. UTI infection primarily affects women's because of the shorter urethra as compared to men. For more information, contact us now or schedule an appointment online. We have 7 convenient locations all over Oklahoma to serve you.
Urinary tract infection occurs when microorganism enters the bladder and urethra and cause inflammation and irritation. Even though UTIs (urinary tract infections) are typically minor, they should still be treated because treatment can prevent significant complications. Urinary tract infections damaged the parts of the urinary system such as the urethra, kidney, and bladder. This infection causes lower-side pain, a burning sensation when urinating, and frequent urine. UTI infection primarily affects women's because of the shorter urethra as compared to men. For more information, contact us now or schedule an appointment online. We have 7 convenient locations all over Oklahoma to serve you.

Table of Contents:

How do you know if you have a urinary tract infection?
What are the main causes of a UTI?
Why should you treat a UTI?
What should you do for a urinary tract infection?

Getting treated really is a good idea, and it’s easy too, especially if you go to an urgent care clinic like ours. Immediate Care of Oklahoma treats UTIs, and we can see you with no appointment necessary. Come see us today for treatment, or keep reading to learn more.

How do you know if you have a urinary tract infection?

UTIs don’t always have signs and symptoms, but when there are signs and symptoms, they can be:

Urine that’s red or pink, which could indicate the presence of blood
Urine that’s cloudy looking
Passing urine frequently and just a little at a time
A constant or strong urge to urinate
A burning sensation during urination
Urine that has a strong smell to it
Pelvic pain in women

There may be other signs and symptoms of a UTI, depending on the specific kind of UTI.

What are the main causes of a UTI?

A UTI is caused by bacteria that gets into the urinary tract through the urethra. However, there are different kinds of UTIs with different bacterial causes. For example, an infection of the bladder is usually caused by E. coli bacteria. This kind of UTI is called cystitis. Sexual intercourse can lead to cystitis, but a person doesn’t have to be sexually active in order to develop it. An infection of the urethra is called urethritis, and it can occur when gastrointestinal bacteria spread to the urethra.

Mostly, UTIs occur in females, and there are some risk factors specific to females, like sexual activity, some kinds of birth control, and menopause. There can be other risk factors too, like a suppressed immune system, a blockage in the urinary tract, or catheter use.

Why should you treat a UTI?

If you have the symptoms we mentioned above, you should see a medical professional about them. If it turns out that you have a UTI, the professional will likely be able to prevent the infection from spreading and causing any potentially serious complications. Treating a UTI can prevent:

Recurring infections
Permanent kidney damage
A potentially life-threatening condition called sepsis
A risk in pregnant women of delivering premature or low birth-weight babies
Urethral narrowing in men

Typically, UTIs aren’t serious, but treatment can prevent complications, and treatment is really simple too. Usually, treatment is just simple prescription medication.

What should you do for a urinary tract infection?

You should go see a professional at a clinic like Immediate Care of Oklahoma! The professional can prescribe an antibiotic that will fight the bacteria and likey cure the infection. After you start taking the antibiotic, within just a few days, your symptoms should clear up. However, you should keep taking the antibiotic for as long as the professional recommended. This will help the infection clear up completely. If you have any pain the infection is causing, the professional may be able to provide pain medication too. Or if you have frequent UTIs, the professional may be able to provide a solution.

Here at Immediate Care of Oklahoma, we provide UTI treatments, so you can come see us if you or a family member has a UTI or any of the symptoms. Actually, you can come see us with no appointment necessary. Just come on by for immediate treatment right on the spot. We have locations all throughout Oklahoma, and we hope to see you soon! We serve patients from West Moore OK, Norman (HealthPlex) OK, Norman (24th) OK, Edmond OK, Yukon OK, I-240 & Sooner RD OK, Tecumseh OK, and Bethany OK.

Our Locations


Norman (Healthplex)

  • 3321 W. Tecumseh Rd. 125, Norman (HealthPlex), OK 73072
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Norman (24TH)



  • 10616 US Highway 66 Suite 100 Yukon, OK 73099
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West Moore

  • 11808 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (South OKC)
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l-240 & Sooner Rd.

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