TeleHealth Visits at Immediate Care!
To ensure the safety of our patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be providing telehealth visits for our all locations. Please click here to book and appointment at one of our locations!

Table of Contents:
What is the use of TeleHealth?
Does insurance pay for TeleHealth?
Who can benefit from a TeleHealth visit?
Can I speak to a Doctor online?
TeleHealth (also referred to as “telemedicine” / “e-health” / “Virtual Visit” / “Online Doctor” etc.) enables health care providers to diagnose, assess and handle patients in remote locations using telecommunications equipment. TeleHelath allows patients in isolated locations to access medical treatment fast, efficiently and without leaving the comfort of their home.
All insurance companies are different and may vary in regards to the services that they will and will not cover under their specified plans. We encourage you to research your state-wide and individual insurance providers rules and regulations regarding any TeleHealth visit with a doctor to become well informed regarding if your insurance provider covers TeleHealth.
TeleHealth can improve the quality of care for people with both medical and mental health conditions. A recent study specified that with TeleHealth, patients had: 38% fewer hospital admissions. 31% fewer hospital re-admissions.
Speaking to a doctor online removes the requirement to sit in a waiting room for hours to see the Doctor for a few minutes. By speaking to a doctor online, you get instant access to someone with medical experience, without the long wait times. Working with a doctor online is far more convenient and private way of dealing with your health concerns.

Additional Services You May Need
▸ Urgent Care Services
▸ Illness + Injuries
▸ On Site Lab + X-Ray
▸ Helpful Health
▸ Motor Vehicle Accidents
▸ Drug Testing
▸ UTI Treatment
▸ Employment Physicals
▸ Workers Comp
▸ Strep Throat Treatment
▸ Pregnancy Testing
▸ Blood Pressure Testing
▸ Urinalysis
▸ Mononucleosis Treatment
▸ Suture Removal
▸ Respiratory Syncytial Virus
▸ OccMed