Urgent Care Doctors Accepting New Patients in Norman, Ok
The urgent care doctors at Immediate Care of Oklahoma are currently accepting new patients and provide immediate medical care access to those who need it most. For more information, call us.
Table of Contents:
How can I make a same-day appointment with an Urgent Care Doctor if I live in Norman, OK?
How can I find an Urgent Care Doctor in Norman, OK who takes my insurance?
Is Immediate Urgent Care accepting new patients?
Immediate Care of Oklahoma serves patients from Norman, OK, West Moore, OK, Midwest, OK, South Oklahoma City, OK, Edmond, OK, and Yukon, OK. We offer services such as lab testing, wellness shots, influenza treatment, covid treatment, and acute injury care. We have numerous locations staffed with an amazing team of diverse medical professionals. Our mission is to provide the highest quality of urgent care with an emphasis on efficiency and compassion. Our team is equipped with the technology and education needed to offer our patients with innovative care. To learn a little bit more about Immediate Care of Oklahoma, please continue reading!
We have two locations in Norman, OK, that you can book same-day appointments with. To book a visit, you can visit our website and fill out a short form.
If you are in need of urgent medical care and haven’t booked an appointment, that is no problem at all. We accept walk-in urgent care patients 7 days a week!
A few reasons you can book an appointment with us may include:
– Sinus infection
– Influenza
– Strep throat
– STDs
– Minor eye injuries
– Acute injuries such as sprains, fractures, and torn tendons
– Urinary tract infection
– Lab testing
– Cuts
– Covid testing and treatment
Our urgent care center is equipped to deal with all non-life-threatening conditions, illnesses, and injuries. If your condition requires immediate surgery, please go to a nearby hospital in Norman, OK.
Immediate Care of Oklahoma believes that everyone deserves great health care without having the extra stress of covering expenses. This is why we have many insurance options and affordable self-pay options for all of our patients. We are dedicated to helping you navigate insurance claims and are here to answer any questions you may have about who we partner with at Immediate Care of Oklahoma. We accept insurance from every company below:
– Aetna
– Beechstreet
– BlueCross/BlueShield
– Cigna
– Clements Food & OK Press Assoc.
– Community Care HMO
– Coventry/First Health
– FMH/Love’s Country Stores
– Galaxy
– Gary Williams Energy
– Healthchoice
– Humana ChoiceCare
– Humana Medicare Advantage
– Kempton/OEC
– Medicare
– Multiplan
– Mutual Assurance
– Oklahoma Health Network EPO
– Oklahoma Health Network PPO
– Pacificare
– PPO Next
– Preferred Community Choice
– Secure Horizons
– Sterling
– Tricare prime
– Tricare standard
– United Healthcare
– University of Oklahoma (students)
– USA Managed Care
– Windsor
– Waterstone
– WorkNet
If you aren’t seeing your insurance carrier on this list, please call us at one of our seven locations so that we can help you sort it out.
The Norman, OK, location of Immediate Care of Oklahoma is always accepting new patients! We accept new patients on a walk-in basis every day and would love for you to consider us as your chosen urgent care center. For your first appointment, please bring a piece of a photo ID and come prepared to fill out a few forms. This shouldn’t take too long but we will need to gather some of your personal and medical histories.
The team at Immediate Care of Oklahoma looks forward to meeting you and helping you through diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact us during our business hours and our receptionists will do their best to give you the information you need.
We serve patients in Norman OK, Newcastle OK, Moore OK, Noble OK, Hall Park OK, and Goldsby OK.
Additional Services You May Need
▸ Urgent Care Services
▸ Illness + Injuries
▸ On Site Lab + X-Ray
▸ Wellness Shots
▸ Healthful Helps
▸ Motor Vehicle Accidents
▸ Drug Testing
▸ UTI Treatment
▸ Employment Physicals
▸ Workers Comp
▸ Strep Throat Treatment
▸ Pregnancy Testing
▸ Blood Pressure Testing
▸ Urinalysis
▸ Mononucleosis Treatment
▸ Suture Removal
▸ Respiratory Syncytial Virus
▸ OccMed