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Urgent Care Doctors Accepting New Patients

Urgent Care Doctors Accepting New Patients Questions and Answers

Urgent Care doctors and clinics across the United States provide immediate medical care access to those who need it most. Walk in, or book an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Oklahoma City, OK.

Urgent Care doctors and clinics across the United States provide immediate medical care access to those who need it most. Walk in, or book an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Oklahoma City, OK.
Urgent Care doctors and clinics across the United States provide immediate medical care access to those who need it most. Walk in, or book an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Oklahoma City, OK.

Urgent Care Doctors Accepting New Patients Near Me in West Moore OK, Norman (HealthPlex) OK, Norman (24th) OK, Edmond OK, Yukon OK, I-240 and Sooner RD OK, and Tecumseh OK
Urgent Care Doctors Accepting New Patients Near Me in West Moore OK, Norman (HealthPlex) OK, Norman (24th) OK, Edmond OK, Yukon OK, I-240 and Sooner RD OK, and Tecumseh OK

Table of Contents:

How can I make a same-day appointment with an Urgent Care Doctor if I live in Oklahoma?
How can I find an Urgent Care Doctor in OKC who takes my insurance?
What questions should I ask when finding a new doctor?
Is Immediate Care of Oklahoma accepting new patients?

Urgent cares provide minor medical emergency care and other medical services like lab work and vaccinations if need be. They offer convenience, accessibility, and affordability to the patients that need access to immediate medical care.

How can I make a same-day appointment with an Urgent Care Doctor if I live in Oklahoma?

Many urgent cares across the United States offer walk-in availability to patients who need immediate medical care access. However, if you do not know if these urgent cares provide walk-in service, your next best bet is an easy google search for local urgent cares within your area.

The easiest way to make a same-day appointment would be to call into the clinic to see if they have any openings for the doctors that are on staff that day or check the online appointments tab to see if you can book anything for the same day.

How can I find an Urgent Care Doctor in OKC who takes my insurance?

If you are in search of an urgent care doctor or urgent care clinic that is accepting your insurance in Oklahoma (OKC) or surrounding areas, a great place to start can be by asking your family and friends who may have similar healthcare insurance providers. Even colleagues are a fantastic resource when it comes to finding a new urgent care clinic, as they may have the same healthcare insurance provider as you do through your workplace.

Many medical insurance companies also have a list of urgent care clinics that accept their insurance in your specific area. If neither provides useful results, a final solution for your search for urgent care that accepts your healthcare insurance would be a simple google search. Searching keywords in google that you want to focus on like “urgent care”, “Oklahoma”, and your healthcare insurance name can offer you a long list of results to start searching through. This can be a tedious task; however, this will yield many results that can offer you the answer to what you are looking for.

What questions should I ask when finding a new doctor?

An urgent care doctor is the one person you turn to for immediate urgent care for any of your medical concerns, as well as any health concerns of your family members. When looking for an urgent care clinic, there are a few highly effective and healthy habits you should be aware of when you look for a new urgent care clinic to go to as well as questions to ask when checking out an urgent care clinic and their physicians:

Does this clinic accept your health insurance or do you have to pay out of pocket?
Do they speak your foreign language?
How do they approach the patient-physician relationship at the clinic?
How does your clinic handle emergencies?
Am I able to contact the clinic by phone and talk to a physician if I cannot make it into the clinic?
Does the clinic keep electronic or paper medical records on file?
Do you have any online resources available that have additional information about the clinic as well as the staff that I can look up?

The questions listed above are just starter questions you can ask any urgent care, from there you can elaborate on questions or come up with more until you feel comfortable that the urgent care is the right urgent care for you.

Is Immediate Care of Oklahoma accepting new patients?

Immediate Care of Oklahoma is accepting new patients at all 8 locations across Oklahoma. If you are in need of an urgent care near you, Immediate Care of Oklahoma is your key to top-quality, high-rated immediate medical care. You can walk in, call for an appointment or simply book an appointment online through our appointments tab. If you have any questions, contact us immediately, we are looking forward to hearing from you! We serve patients from West Moore OK, Tecumseh OK, Norman (HealthPlex) OK, Norman (24th) OK, Edmond OK, I-240 & Sooner RD OK, Yukon OK, and Bethany OK.

Our Locations


Norman (Healthplex)

  • 3321 W. Tecumseh Rd. 125, Norman (HealthPlex), OK 73072
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Norman (24TH)



  • 10616 US Highway 66 Suite 100 Yukon, OK 73099
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West Moore

  • 11808 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (South OKC)
  • View Details


l-240 & Sooner Rd.

Directions to Nearest Location