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Sprains, Strains, and Dislocations Treatment Clinic in West Moore, OK

Sprains, Strains, and Dislocations Treatment Clinic in West Moore, OK

We can easily handle minor sprains, strains, and dislocations, and we’re open 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, so we can take care of you anytime you might need us. Come see us today at our sprains, strains, and dislocations treatment clinic in West Moore, OK! We are located at 11808 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (South OKC). Call us for more information.

Sprains, Strains, and Dislocations Treatment Clinic Near Me in West Moore, OK
Sprains, Strains, and Dislocations Treatment Clinic Near Me in West Moore, OK
We can easily handle minor sprains, strains, and dislocations, and we’re open 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, so we can take care of you anytime you might need us. Come see us today at our sprains, strains, and dislocations treatment clinic in West Moore, OK! We are located at 11808 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (South OKC). Call us for more information.
We can easily handle minor sprains, strains, and dislocations, and we’re open 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, so we can take care of you anytime you might need us. Come see us today at our sprains, strains, and dislocations treatment clinic in West Moore, OK! We are located at 11808 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (South OKC). Call us for more information.

Table of Contents:

What causes sprains?
Is a sprain different from a strain?
Does immediate care treat dislocations?
Where is your sprains, strains, and dislocations treatment clinic in West Moore, OK?

Some injuries are only minor situations in which immediate care is all that’s necessary. We provide this kind of care here at Immediate Care of Oklahoma.

What causes sprains?

This type of injury is usually caused by an incident like twisting your ankle. The injury is a stretched or torn ligament that can be either minor or actually quite serious depending on the severity of the damage and symptoms. Usually, though, a sprain isn’t such a big deal, so urgent care can handle most cases.

A sprain can take some time to heal (up to six weeks), but if it’s treated right away and by a proper professional, this time can be lessened. The doctors here at Immediate Care of Oklahoma can handle sprained ankles, sprained thumbs, sprained wrists, and sprained knees, which tend to be most common, but can also handle other simple sprains.

Is a sprain different from a strain?

The two injuries are different, yes. With a sprain, a ligament is either torn or stretched, but with a strain, a tendon is what’s injured, and it’s either pulled or stretched. Strains can actually be serious too. If a tendon is pulled away from the bone, this can be very painful and take a long time to heal. Most strains are minor, though, so immediate care can handle most cases.

Because sprains and strains can have similar causes and symptoms, they can be difficult to self-diagnose. It’s better to have the injury diagnosed and treated by a proper professional like one of ours here at Immediate Care of Oklahoma. Proper treatment will help the injury heal much more effectively, and the professional can offer a prescription painkiller if you need one.

Does immediate care treat dislocations?

Yes, immediate care can handle many cases of dislocations. For instance, here at Immediate Care of Oklahoma, we can handle a dislocated finger or shoulder.

A dislocation occurs when an injury forces a bone out of its normal position at a joint. This can happen during a fall or major blow to the area. A dislocation is pretty obvious, as the pain will be high, the joint will be difficult to move, and there will be a noticeable deformity in the area. A person can ice the area to help with the swelling and control any bleeding, but it’s necessary to get care at a clinic like ours. Professional care will return the bone to its natural position, and with some rehabilitation and rest, the area will heal.

It can be difficult to tell whether a bone is dislocated or broken, but we can determine this at our clinic and treat either injury. We’re able to provide X-rays, splints, slings, medications, and other services and treatments to help you heal quickly. Also, no appointment is necessary!

Where is your sprains, strains, and dislocations treatment clinic in West Moore, OK?

Immediate Care of Oklahoma’s West Moore location is over at 11808 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (South OKC). We’re open for you and your loved ones Monday to Sunday, 8 am to 8 pm, and you can just come see us without having to make an appointment first. We’ll be able to handle any minor injury you have right away, right on the spot. Directions are available here. We hope to see you soon, and we’ll get you in and out quickly so you can heal up quickly!

Our Locations


Norman (Healthplex)

  • 3321 W. Tecumseh Rd. 125, Norman (HealthPlex), OK 73072
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Norman (24TH)



  • 10616 US Highway 66 Suite 100 Yukon, OK 73099
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West Moore

  • 11808 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (South OKC)
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l-240 & Sooner Rd.

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